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Walking Amongst the Brave...

Pride Sunday was a beautiful day. A full day. An exhausting day. An emotional day.  Rarely does it take me days to process my feelings into words and yet here I am. I expected last Sunday to be very different day for a number of reasons, but then it tumbled upon me in so many unexpected ways.   Pride has always been one of my favourite days of the year, it’s a bright, shiny, soul filled day. Full of laughter and rainbows and puppies. Creativity unleashed, inhibitions left at home, comfy rainbow leggings and crazy hair. This year it was all of that but also painfully bittersweet, which quite frankly it should be. Pride exists to remind us how far we have come and how far we have left to go. Both as a society and as individuals and quite frankly never have I personally realized this truth more than this year.    WE SEE YOU Each year we design new PADS shirts for Pride and this year an extraordinary queer young woman in our community designed them and brought me to tears because she chose

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