My e'ryday SuperHero

Today I'm reflecting on a fabulous human being who 16 years ago today was making me scream in agony (fortunately this theme did not continue).  He has made me laugh, smile and my heart explode with gratitude every day since.  He is a superhero in disguise, and daily faces the world and all it’s challenges with a confidence that I wish I had. 

He is his own man, his passions and interests do not follow the norm, you will not find him on the soccer field or discussing the stats of famous athletes.  It’s unlikely you’d find him holed up in the local library (unless it had an anime section) or a local house party.  He doesn’t drink or do drugs (and even turns down alcohol when it’s offered to him by his parents).

In the first grade he was given an exercise – colour 10 turkeys in a row in a pattern using colour.  Most of the kids did red brown red brown red brown…Matthew did an intricate combination of colours and sequences…every turkey’s waddle followed a pattern of 4, the body’s a pattern of 3 and the feet a pattern of two.  His teacher called me in to show me when I picked him up because she’d reprimanded him for not following instructions and felt bad once he explained his patterning.  He couldn’t yet write his own name, but he was showing adult levels of complex thought. 

He loves comic books and superheroes, building things, and creating art. 

He mows the lawn for his mother even though he hates it.

He gets A’s and B’s in school even though his learning challenges on paper say “it’s ok if you fail, we’ll pass you anyway”.  He wants to go to university and learn how to design airplanes like his grandfather.  I’m sure he will do exactly what he sets his mind to - and when he does, those planes will be something unlike anything the world has ever seen.  

He has a very select and diverse group of friends, that are as unique as he is.  Only a few are his age, most are much older.  He is amazing with little children and equally so with animals.  

He's a quiet guy, but is always the first to notice if I've had a bad day, and he'll stop me in whatever I'm doing to give me an incredible hug. 

He's already dwarfed me in height, but his intelligence, creativity, insight, passion for life and his love of those around him is where he is a true giant.  

My pride in this young man grows with every passing day - and tomorrow he turns 16.

Happy Birthday Matty...your momma loves you!

A mere 5 years ago with his best buddy Diogi


  1. Tara, you brought me to tears. However, you have bautifully and accurately summed up my wonderful loving grandson, who swings out his arm, says "C'mere" and then envelops me in a huge big hug, that reminds me of his Poppa. My heart bursts with gratitude not only to you for bearing this wonderful gift from God but for my little Matthanew who is now Matthew Tobias Eaton Dong, a giant of a man in every sense of the word.

    And yes, I will take him for his driver's license test tomorrow if he's ready to do it.


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