Get it done Christy. Get it done.

Complaining on social media only goes so far.  The content below was emailed to both my MLA and Christy Clark this morning.  Flood the inboxes people.  FLOOD THEM.  Tell them WHY it matters. Tell them WHO matters.

To find your MLA's email address go hereTo email Christy Clark:


Dear Harry & Christy,

I'm a parent.  My daughter graduated in 2013, my son graduates this year. 

Let me tell you about my son.  He's funny and creative and his room looks like a special effects lab crossed with a woodworking shop.  His bed is littered with anime comics and his walls are lined with sculptures and swords he's crafted out of wood, paper and who knows what else.  He volunteers to train assistance dogs for the disabled, goes to church, looks out for his friends and opens the car door for his grandmother.  He's a fabulous young man and I'm intensely proud of him.  

Unfortunately, he had serious learning disabilities.  In grade five he could only read at a grade one level.  For years he complained each morning of stomach aches, begging me to stay home, because school was a place that reminded him he was "stupid", unhappy and different.  One morning during a particularly difficult stretch, I remember him telling me through tears that sometimes he wished he would go to sleep and not wake up again.  He was seven. 

Don't get me wrong, his teachers tried hard, they cared about him.  They were amazing in what they could do with what they had.  He was held back a year in grade one.  He got some support from LST and we worked damn hard at home to help him succeed. 

Then in grade 5 a teacher FOUGHT for him.  She fought hard, because she could see that there was a hurdle he needed to clear to help everything fall into place.  She got him into a program at Simon Cunningham elementary school.  14 kids, a teacher and a full time SEA for 14 of them.  All kids that struggled with literacy based learning disabilities.  In one school year he went from a grade 1 reading level to a grade 8 reading level.  The world opened up for him, he began consuming books, his self worth became rich and full.  He'd discovered in that little class that while he had his challenges so did everyone else.  He wasn't isolated for his differences.  He also discovered his strengths and that he could share them to help others.

He's never looked back.  School still isn't a picnic for him, but he never lacked for fight and commitment, he lacked for strategies and tools.  I'm not a teacher, so no matter how many first grade readers I went through with him, I did not have the tools he needed either.

I tell you this story not only because the system failed him, but also because he's one of the "lucky" ones.  He's going to graduate this year and is excited about pursuing his passion and going onto post secondary.  But here's the rub: hundreds of kids applied for the class he was in—of FOURTEEN—hundreds.  What about them?  How many are still struggling, dropped out, choosing less noble paths because they think—like he did—that their lack of success is based on their "stupidity".

What's stupid is a government that is blind to these challenges.  That is blind that they are systemically putting students on a path to failure. 

This morning Christy you posted: "Unfortunately, the BCTF rejected our offer to reopen schools while the two sides enter mediation to reach an agreement. Instead, the BCTF is sticking to its strike and demanding twice as much money as everyone else in the public service has received. That's not fair for the 150,000 dedicated women and men who have reached long-term agreements with affordable raises. Class composition is priority #1 -- more educators helping more students. BCTF or CUPE, it doesn't matter because students' needs come first."

  1. The teachers rejected your offer to reopen schools during mediation because they are NOT STUPID.  You have repeatedly manipulated, lied and acted both unconstitutionally (says the highest court in the land) and in bad faith -- why on earth would they give a single inch? The minute they are back in the classroom, you are winning.  Winning a battle that is going to harm MY CHILDREN and the future of THIS PROVINCE.   
  2. Demanding twice as much money as everyone else in the public service?  Really?  REALLY?!!  Please go open your last pay stub and revisit that statement. 
  3. Not fair to the 150K who have reached long-term agreements with affordable raises?! Did those 150K have the agreements they reached shredded?  Did those 150K go years without what was promised?
  4. This facebook post would indicate to me that the education system has already failed our government in providing qualified communications professionals to the workforce.   While public relations is not my area of focus, I work in the field and I'm pretty sure you just broke every major rule there is in one single post. 
  • Rule number one: Tell it fast and tell it truthfully.
  • Rule number two: TAKE RESPONSIBILITY.
  • Rule number three: Express concern, control and commitment. 
You want employable people for your great LNG plans Christy?  You gotta get them through the public school system first.  Get back in the room, get your ducks in a row, give the teachers what they deserve (and are asking for), and then—for the good of every single person in this province—get out of office. 


Tara Dong
Parent and Tax Payer


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